North Yorkshire Council


The Charter Trustees For Scarborough


Minutes of the meeting held on Friday, 20th October, 2023 commencing at 2.00 pm.


Councillor John Ritchie in the Chair plus Councillors Eric Broadbent, Liz Colling, Janet Jefferson, Rich Maw and Tony Randerson.


Officers present: St John Harris, Karen Iveson and Carol Rehill.







Apologies for Absence


Members were advised that Carol Rehill was deputising for the Clerk to the Charter Trustees and Monitoring Officer, Barry Khan, and that the Assistant Director Resources, Karen Iveson would be attending the meeting remotely.






Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 April 2023


Resolved –


That the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 April 2023, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.






Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interests.






Public Participation


There were no public questions or statements.






Charter Mayor's Report


The Charter Mayor presented his report noting that despite the reduced geographical area of his mayoralty compared to the former Borough, he had been pleasantly surprised by the healthy number of invitations he had received to engagements.  He was delighted to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Association of Charter Trustee Towns in September in Retford where he gained a fascinating insight into the civic and historical traditions upheld by Charter Mayors in other towns.  In addition to the planned engagements earmarked for the Scarborough Charter Mayor such as the Annual Cricket Festival when he hosted afternoon tea, he had attended many charitable functions learning more about the impressive work of the voluntary sector in the town.  He noted in particular his recent invitation to open the Rotary District 1040 Conference at the Scarborough Spa.  Asked by Councillor Colling about the total number of invitations he had received since his appointment and how many had been declined because they fell outside the geography of his mayoralty, he undertook to arrange a written reply.  The other Charter Trustees joined in congratulating him on his active year.


Resolved (unanimously) –

That the Charter Mayor’s verbal report be noted.






Appointment of Officers in accordance with the Standing Orders


Resolved (unanimously) –


The Assistant Director Resources and Deputy Section 151 Officer of North Yorkshire Council, Karen Iveson, be appointed as the Responsible Financial Officer for the Charter Trustees.






Finance Report



A report of the Assistant Director Resources setting out the in-year budget position of the Charter Trustees to the end of Quarter 2 of 2023-24.  The Assistant Director confirmed that as for the current year, the Charter Trustees would feed into the budget setting process for 2024-25.


Resolved (unanimously) –

That the Charter Trustees note the expenditure incurred to the end of September 2023.






Calendar of Meetings 2023-24


Resolved (unanimously) –

That the Charter Trustees approve the scheduling of an additional meeting on 15 December 2023 at 10am inter alia:

(i)    To consider appointments to the positions of Charter Mayor and Deputy Charter Mayor for 2024-25; and

(ii)   To approve the budget and precept for 2024-25.






Any Other Items


There was no urgent business.






Date of Next Meeting


Friday, 15 December 2023 at 10am





The meeting concluded at 2.17 pm.



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